Don't delete app
For this project we had to create a interactive media design that can changes people’s behaviour based on a campaign.

The campaign I chose is #IWILLNOTBEDELETED it is a campaign about women that remove their pictures from social media because they look ‘different’. Over a billion people have taken down images of themselves due to the amount of hate comments recieved under that image. This campaign is to encourage women to not let the hate comments get to you, and show off yourself instead of deleting the photo’s from your socials.
For this campaign I created an app where people can link their socials and see their pictures, the longer they keep their pictures up, the more points they will get. These points can be used for cool avatars and account adjustments in this app. They can also dig up some more inspiration about fashion and beauty for themselves, and also talk with people that are expierencing the same things as them.